About Bubbly Hills Farm

Lizzy standing in flower field

Photography: Marco Calderon @calderonphoto

Thank you to @TheSeedFarm, a program of Community Action Lehigh Valley @communityactionlv

Hi! I am Lizzy. Just a simple and adventurous person. This farm adventure started with the idea that I would grow vegetables and help save the world! (HAHA) As time passed it seemed life had a different plan. Flowers just kept popping up (pun intended) in my daily life. They gave me great joy on long sweaty summer days out in the blistering sun. I was kindly adopted by an experienced florist on the farm who was skilled at arranging garden flowers and foraged pieces. She made everyday perennials look stunning. I was utterly swooned by the act of arranging the flowers. My true love was watching the flowers grow and providing the environment they needed to thrive. Every weed I pulled, I knew was for the greater good and for the healthy future of these little joyous miracles. My energy seemed boundless when it came to tending to the cut flower garden. I slowly started to realize as much as I love growing vegetables, my passion was in growing flowers.

 Soon after I started to make little bouquets. The part that never gets old is watching people's faces light up when they receive flowers. Watching them smell and hold them close it’s so innocent and pure. The whole point of this farm is to spread happiness through the magical gift of flowers. With that, I also want to make sure that these flowers are healthy and naturally tended to. I plan to grow crops that do well on the land and environment I have. Therefore, I won’t have to supplement nutrients which would make them weak and susceptible to pests. This strategy should eliminate the need to spray pesticides. The end result should be beautiful well-balanced bouquets that are fragrant, beautiful, and free of harmful chemicals. So that you can bury your face in that bouquet and get a big whiff of happiness.

Here’s to doing it for the smiles.

An illustration of a flower
A plot of blue flowers